Model: sg3348
Agnigarbha (Hindi, Hardcover, Amritlal Nagar)..
Rs.80.00 Rs.200.00
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Model: sg3003
Neither a novel nor a collection of stories, its a world of fantasy that takes you in six directions simultaneously, making you exuberant and intensely sad at the same time. The book encompasses different journeys, more within than outside. There is a journey into childhood space in 'Sapne Mein Sans..
Rs.60.00 Rs.150.00
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Model: sg2059
Ak Din Mathura Mein (Hindi) Paperback by Narendra Kohli ..
Ex Tax:Rs.38.00
Model: SGBc179
akeli Awaj by Rajendra Avasthi..
Rs.25.00 Rs.32.00
Ex Tax:Rs.25.00
Model: sg2076
Aksharom Ke Saye: Eka Antaryatra (hindi Edition)..
Rs.78.00 Rs.195.00
Ex Tax:Rs.78.00
Model: SGCh186
Premchand's literary career started as a freelancer in Urdu. In his initial short stories he has depicted the patriotic upsurge that was sweeping the country in the first decade of the 19th century. In 1914, Premchand started writing in Hindi. He was the first Hindi author to introduce realism in hi..
Rs.60.00 Rs.125.00
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Model: SGCi26
Premchand's Alankar is the story of the beautiful Thayas, a woman who enchants sailors through her sensuous dancing and soulful singing. What happens when the saint Papanasi chances to meet Thayas? Will he be able to continue on his spiritual path or will he be caught in the web of Thayas' beauty? T..
Rs.75.00 Rs.150.00
Ex Tax:Rs.75.00
Model: sg806
About the Authorगोविन्द पंडित ‘स्वप्नदर्शी’ पेशे से बैंकर हैं किन्तु, तबीयत से लेखक। मूल रूप से ये जामताड़ा, झारखण्ड के रहने वाले हैं, किन्तु कुछ वर्षों से दक्षिण भारत का भ्रमण कर रहे हैं और फिलहाल बेंगलुरु में अपना खंभा गाड़े हुए हैं।..
Ex Tax:Rs.70.00
Model: SGCh21
Alchemist Hindi Edition by Paulo Coelho..
Rs.130.00 Rs.299.00
Ex Tax:Rs.130.00
Model: SGCf40
Alpviram by Purushotam Jha ..
Rs.82.00 Rs.150.00
Ex Tax:Rs.82.00
Model: sga17075
Amacho baster by Rajeev Ranjan Prasad..
Rs.318.00 Rs.795.00
Ex Tax:Rs.318.00
Model: sga17077
Rs.40.00 Rs.95.00
Ex Tax:Rs.40.00
Model: cha2
The author of this book spent decades delving into the work of great world philosophers and deduced a few laws of success that have been incorporated into this text that he swore had the capability of replacing libraries of spirituality philosophy and self-help books Amir Banane Ka Naya Vigyan The N..
Rs.40.00 Rs.95.00
Ex Tax:Rs.40.00
Model: sg1015
Amitabh Ka Khazana Amitabh Bachchan..
Ex Tax:Rs.40.00
Model: sg584
शिकरमों और ऊंट-गाड़ियों के एक सदी पुराने ज़माने से लेकर आज तक के तेजी से बदलते हुए रोचक मार्मिक और सहज जन-जीवन के अन्तरंग जिवंत चित्रों का वर्णन पढ़ते-पढ़ते आप यह भूल जायेंगे कि उपन्यास पढ़ रहे हैं, बल्कि यह अनुभव करेंगे कि आप स्वयं भी इस वतावारण के ही एक अभिन्न अंग हैं | इसकी रचना-शैली का अनूठापन औसत और..
Ex Tax:Rs.114.00
Model: SGCh193
बंकिमचन्द्र चट्टोपाध्याय का जन्म सन् 1838 को एक खुशहाल बंगाली परिवार में हुआ था। वे बांग्ला भाषा के प्रख्यात उपन्यासकार एवं कवि थे। बंकिमचन्द्र ने भारतीय मानवीय भावों को सहज शब्दों में दर्शाया है। धर्म, समाज, जाति एवं राजनीति के मुद्दों पर विस्तृत रूप से प्रकाश डाला है, भारतीय मध्यमवर्गीय परिवार इनक..
Rs.60.00 Rs.125.00
Ex Tax:Rs.60.00